


German version

Wax reduces the resistance of Snowferboards enormous. The higher the temperature, the more wax is important to reduce friction on snow. Especially if the weather conditions are changing it is difficult to estimate which type of wax is the best, to prepare the board with, for the next day. For that reason universal wax is a good decision. Constant weather conditions allow to use specific wax for temperatures above and below 0° Celsius.

Universal wax
To prepare the Snowfer boards with universal wax is very important, when you cannot estimate, which conditions you will find in the next time. Universal wax stands by worse conditions of snow sustaining different temperatures.

Moist wax
You may also prefer to choose moist wax. Moist conditions might appear where the snow is exposed to sun radiation (e.g. the temperature measured 1 Meter above the snow might be –2° and at the same time the top of the snow can have +2°). Moist snow is slowing down the board much more than other conditions. Therefore it is very important to have the board prepared with moist wax if the snow is constantly wet.

Cold wax
For cold temperature wax can be used on temperatures lower than –5°. However I do not regard the cold wax as very important, because hard packed cold snow is slippery by itself and practically do not require any wax at all. Cold snow which consist in its powder structure requires wax.

A good hint is to wax once a year to support the strength of the p-tex base. It keeps it flexible over the years. Wax is really necessary to maintain the ability all p-tex zones to resist small ice blocks and the like.

